COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention Protocol

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) has published a prevention and early outpatient treatment protocol for COVID-19. The prevention protocol is comprised of Ivermectin and a strong regimen of supplements.

Ivermectin is prescription only and the dose is based on the weight of the patient. Because the doses are unique to each person, compounding this medication is a great option. Prescott Compounding Pharmacy can make Ivermectin capsules in the exact strength needed for each individual.

The regimen of supplements recommended by the FLCCC Alliance for the prevention of COVID-19 is as follows:

  • Vitamin D3 1000-3000 IU daily
  • Vitamin C 500-1000 mg twice daily
  • Quercetin 250 mg daily
  • Zinc 30-40 mg daily
  • Melatonin 6 mg at bedtime

The supplement regimen for the treatment of COVID-19 is very similar but uses higher doses of each supplement. You can find these exact regimens, comprised of professional line supplements at our pharmacy.

With the new Delta Variant becoming more prevalent, take control of your health by buffering your immune system with these recommendations from the FLCCC Alliance.

Please call or come in with any questions. Our pharmacists are always available to help.
